How do we want to work in the future?

Future Workshop

There is a small group of people standing in a circle, joining their hands together in the middle.
🗓️  12:00 - 14:00

We all shape the future - every day. It is all the more important that we become aware of this creative responsibility and find out what kind of future we actually desire. This also applies to the future of the working world, which is currently a hot topic in light of AI, skilled labor shortages & Co.

In the interactive workshop, we ask ourselves how we want to work in the future: what does the job market in Chemnitz look like in the year 2045? Which employers are attractive, and which are not? What defines a good work-life balance? What prerequisites and infrastructure are necessary for it? To this end, we prototype possible futures of work in Chemnitz using science fiction-inspired future scenarios and discuss how desirable they are. From this, we take a critical look at the way we work today and develop new ideas together for the design of a desirable working world - for the future and the present.

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In collaboration with Digital Impact Labs Leipzig LLC